January is Bath Safety Month. View Our Resources Here!


The Whole Hand Rules

Water safety lessons are for everyone – little kids, big kids, teenagers, and their grown ups. Are you ready to jump in? This lesson is called The Whole Hand Rules and covers the most important points of water safety!
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Lesson Details

NO ONE is drown proof, but everyone can be SAFER around water with The Whole Hand Rules. “Safer” means to make choices that keep our bodies from getting hurt. Water safety lessons are important because they can teach us things that keep us from getting hurt in and around water.
5-10 minutes
Lesson & Discussion:
10-15 minutes
10-15 minutes
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Objectives of this Lesson

The Whole Hand Rules are simple behaviors we can learn to be SAFER around all kinds of water like bathtubs, pools, beaches, and lakes. This is our most important water safety and pool safety lesson. Everyone, little kids, big kids, teenagers, and their grown ups, should learn The Whole Hand Rules. We should learn to wait for a grown up, grown ups should watch us, to wear a life jacket, learn to swim, how to be safer in open water, and to stay away from drains.

In this lesson you will learn about:

Different Kinds of Water

Water can be found everywhere! At home, it is in your bathtubs, toilets, and sinks. It might even be in a bucket, backyard pool, or kiddie pool. Outside, you can find water in community pools, water parks, ponds, canals, ditches, creeks, rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Who is a Grown Up

Grown ups (or adults) are people like a mom, dad, teacher, grandparent, aunt, uncle, babysitter, swim instructor, or camp counselor. Little kids and big kids are NOT grown ups.

The Whole Hand Rules of Water Safety

Everyone, little kids, big kids, teenagers, and their grown ups, should learn The Whole Hand Rules. We should learn to wait for a grown up, grown ups should watch us, to wear a life jacket, learn to swim, how to be safer in open water, and to stay away from drains.

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