Lessons and Curriculum

Water Safety with Colin & Friends is a comprehensive water safety program for kids. The goal? To teach children key rules that can help them make safer choices around all types of water.

Teach each of the lessons below to learn about waiting for grown up, understand why grown ups should always watch kids around water, discuss the importance of learning to swim, talk about why and how to use of life jackets, learn about safer behaviors in water like beaches, lakes, and rivers, and understand why kids should always stay away from drains.

The Whole Hand Rules

Water safety lessons are for everyone – little kids, big kids, teenagers, and their grown ups. Are you ready to jump in? This lesson is called The Whole Hand Rules and covers the most important points of water safety!

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Wait for a Grown Up

“Wait For A Grown Up” is the first rule of The Whole Hand Rules. Kids should learn how to identify grown ups (versus kids) and how to ask for permission before going near water.

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Grown Ups Should Watch You

“Grown Ups Should Watch You” is the second rule of The Whole Hand Rules. Kids should learn how to identify grown ups (versus other kids) and that these grown ups should watch them around all kinds of water without distractions. If their grown ups become distracted, kids can learn how to politely remind a grown up to watch them.

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Learn to Swim

“Learn To Swim” is the third lesson of The Whole Hand Rules. We want kids to understand that simple swim skills are important. Putting their faces in water without panicking, floating on their front and back, and entering and exiting the water are all skills that can help keep them safer.

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Wear a Life Jacket

‘Wear A Life Jacket’ is the fourth lesson of The Whole Hand Rules. Kids should learn how to use life jackets as a tool for water safety instead of relying on them to be in the water.

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Follow Open Water Safety Rules

‘Follow Open Water Safety Rules’ is the fifth lesson of The Whole Hand Rules. Kids should learn the main differences between sources of water like bathtubs and pools, and beaches, rivers, lakes, ponds, creeks, canals and oceans.

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Stay Away from Drains

“Stay Away From Drains” is a bonus lesson of The Whole Hand Rules. If your family or students more frequently visits public, community, or apartment pools, you may substitute this lesson for “Follow Open Water Safety Rules.” Alternatively, you can teach this lesson in addition to The Whole Hand Rules lessons.

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